Monday, October 12, 2009

Mellow Yellow Monday #2

We attended a dinner last week and here's what they served.Naan
Chicken Pilau
Mutton Curry
Chicken Qurma
Kofta (Meatballs) with Eggs Curry
Here's my 2nd entry for:MellowYellowMondayBadge

Happy MYM to all participants!


  1. i love curry once in a while, looks delicious too!

    come visit my place if you have the time!

    have a great day!

  2. i think i will try to cook the eggs with meatballs curry. looks yummy.

    Happy MYM.

    Mine is up too.

  3. Wow very yummy post for MYM!

    Here is my first mellow yellow entry!

  4. Oh my goodness you make me hungry. Looks delicious...thanks for stopping by my place... Happy MYM!

  5. Grazie di essere passata nel mio blog.-
    tutto questo cibo a l'aria di essere molto buono.-
    Sei tu la cuoca ?
    Buona giornata anche a te :-)


Your comments will be greatly appreciated..Thanks for dropping by.Have a nice day!